Ez egy félkész munkám, csak a fekete szín van kivarrva.
Nem szerettem volna rikító piros színt választani, de ez sem jó, amit demonstrációnak bevarrtam.
Majd keresek egy szép piros színt hozzá.
An interesting design! How are you going to finish it? Is it going to be a pillow? Maria, I'd like to invite you to stitch a towel with me and some of my friends. How do you like the idea? http://marinalikeyou.blogspot.com/2012/01/2.html How do you like the idea?
An interesting design! How are you going to finish it? Is it going to be a pillow?
VálaszTörlésMaria, I'd like to invite you to stitch a towel with me and some of my friends. How do you like the idea?
How do you like the idea?
That's really cool looking - I love the inverted colors.